Promoting cooperation between organised civil society at a global level is key to addressing the greatest challenge in our history as humanity, climate change. With this cooperation, an increasingly resilient, informed and connected international civil society continues to be formed. Consequently, empathetic connections and transnational learnings are created. This offers, in the middle and the long term, the tools to achieve sustainable policies on human rights and the rights of nature at a national and international level.

In this space we want to inform and promote the work of civil society initiatives that we know first-hand. These are initiatives with which we have worked directly, a basis of trust has been created. We invite you to support their valuable work, their actions and efforts to create new, more conscious human and resilient paths.

Yonton Te Initiative (Mexico)

The Yonton Te Initiative is a regenerative agriculture and livestock project that promotes ecological and social development, protecting forests and the natural processes of animal and plant life. Yonton Te means “heart of a tree” in the Tsotsil language, one of the native languages ​​of Chiapas, Mexico.

Vulnerables Support Trust

Community members are committed to support the most vulnerable in the Likhubula Village, Traditional Authority Mabuka, Mulanje District in Malawi, Southern Africa.

And you?

Are you committed to a conscious and humane treatment of and on our planet? Would you like to present your initiative/project on our NUNANMAR? Write to us!