Life in Namibia gave us unique impressions and landscapes during several months. In the oldest desert worldwide, we got a clue for the magnificent biodiversity of our planet. Also, the discovery of the African philosophy Ubuntu was another gift from life in Namibia and the courage not to complain about life, even when bad things happen to us.

In this country we have come into contact with different indigenous groups. The exchange with them was open and honest and – due to the multitude of different languages – also challenging. We communicated with the adults with hands and feet and with the children through play. Unique moments were recorded. Shareable moments that I, Andre, have included in a photo exhibition. UNDRESS YOUR SOUL was shown 3 times in Germany. Now we want to share these moments and their purpose with you here.

Enjoy and spread the word! 📷💫😉



A journey for appreciating human diversity and its natural state

With this journey, we try to direct the attention of the viewer towards the magical importance of realising the human role on planet Earth. It is a travel to the roots of what we are. The challenge is to stop time. To be conscious about the way we have adapted to the modern world. To open our minds. To undress our souls for discovering where we come from, who we are and who are we going to be, what are we going to inherit the ones who will come. 

Kunene, Namibia

These photos focus on the daily life of the indigenous communities in Namibia. There are approximately 400 million indigenous individuals worldwide, making up more than 5,000 distinct ethnic groups in over 90 countries. While indigenous peoples compose only about 6% of the world’s population, they represent 90% of the cultural diversity. This people still have a close connection to nature and their lifestyle does not fit in the model of development that the modern world proposes. Their knowledge about the natural gifts and their spiritual commitment still exists to remind us what the modern human often forgets: we are part of nature and not its owners. The journey invites you to realise that Namibia is also rich because of its people and its nature. We invite you to value our roots, value ourselves.